While the pandemic has forced the cancelation of several winter events in the Lake George region, the outdoors is always open. The New York State Department of Environmental Conservation suggests people get out and enjoy some ice fishing this winter. “Many fish species are active throughout the winter months, and the fishing can be just as good as during the open water season,” says DEC Commissioner Basil Seggos, adding that anglers must first make sure the ice is thick enough to safely fish.
While the waters of Lake George, as of this writing, are just beginning to freeze (a thin coat of ice appeared on the Southern Basin this morning,) several smaller lakes, aided by the current blast of arctic air, have developed a few solid inches. Local bait and tackle shop Fish307.com regularly posts current ice conditions on their Facebook page. For those new to the sport, DEC has published the online guide, Introduction To Ice Fishing.
Related: Is it safe to walk on that frozen lake?
The Warren County Tourism Department, in partnership with the Lake George Regional Chamber of Commerce & CVB, is incentivizing participation in the sport with the Warren County Ice Fishing Challenge. The first 100 anglers that post a photo of of themselves with a fish they have caught on a Warren County body of water in February will win an Ice Fishing Challenge t-shirt.

Photo courtesy Lake George Regional Chamber of Commerce & CVB
Warren Count Ice Fishing Challenge rules:
- Fish must be caught in Warren County
- Fish must be caught between February 1-28, 2021
- Must post a picture of angler and catch on Instagram and hashtag #mylgarea and tag @lakegeorgearea
- If you do not have an Instagram account, please send your picture to WarrenCountyIceFishingChallenge@gmail.com
- Instagram profile must be public
- The first 100 posts receive a free t-shirt
- Enter as many photos as you would like, but only one t-shirt will be given per person.
- Shirts are awarded to photographers in the order in which they are received.
The State is waving the need for a fishing license the weekend of February 13-14, 2021 giving anglers the opportunity to take their Valentine, or any friend, along for a day of fishing without the need to invest in a license. The Free Fishing Weekend is part of the Governor’s NY Open for Fishing and Hunting initiative. In addition to the February weekend, June 26-27, September 25 and November 11 are all Free Fishing Days in 2021.
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Nice job, Gil.