1,201 celebrate New Year’s Day with a plunge into Lake George

Penguins, Santa Clauses and even Donald Trump stripped down to bathing suits on a snowy Shepard Park Beach this afternoon for the annual Lake George New Year’s Day polar plunge. Thanks to El Niño, the water was a balmy 46 degrees; air temperature hovered around 38. The event, which has been drawing crowds to Lake George for more than four decades, was organized this year by Duffy’s Tavern. Chas Giknis of Absolute Sound served as DJ and emcee for the event blasting pop tunes and classic rock across the beach.

The plunges were held in waves of 400, with the first wave going in at 1 p.m. The second wave followed at 1:30, and a third wave splashed into the lake at 2 p.m. A smaller wave followed at 2:15 for an official total of 1,201 plungers, topping last year’s count of 1,182. Lake George Volunteer Fire Department and Warren County Sheriff’s Scuba Team, along with members of other local fire departments, stood in the lake as a backstop to prevent plungers from getting in too deep.

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Among the plungers was presidential candidate Donald Trump, who, when not wearing a mask, is Bruce Barringer of Scotia, New York.  Barringer says he has been coming up to Lake George to make the plunge every New Year’s Day with his son, Bruce Jr., for the past 18 years. There was no sign of his Democratic rival Hillary Clinton on the beach. Barringer says he chose to plunge as The Donald because Trump has been the big news story of late.

Organizer Linda Duffy reminded the crowd that the Lake George Winter Carnival kicks off next month. Although with the mild weather, it is unlikely Lake George will freeze solid enough for many of the on-ice activities, Duffy assures the carnival will go on and provide fun and excitement every weekend in February.